Orange and black butterfly in an icon style.

Imagine This

Have you ever woken up with a particular image that demanded your attention? Some person, place, thing, or idea (think abstractly here for concepts such as love etc.)? 

Complete aside: when I think of waking up with a first thought I think of these mystery books I used to read as a kid - the Trixie Belden books. She was like the tomboy version of Nancy Drew and there is a scene where she is desperate to wake up saying “Rabbit! Rabbit!” for good luck. I had never heard of this, and I hate to say I still haven’t tried it, but it is a thing!

Before we come back from that aside, what if you imagine yourself waking up to call “Rabbit! Rabbit!”, can you pull in all your senses and describe that scene? Or what about where you are right now? Look to your left and GO.

Now back to these nouns. They always call me to poetry. Or poetic prose. Or some segment of my writing that needs a bit of prosody. 

Don’t let that implication of poetry turn you off though! (If it didn’t send you running - awesome! You are my people). Poetry is about more than that poem you had to dissect in high school.

Now, hold whatever noun it was that called to you and . . .

Think about which category below it fits with most and then turn to that page . . . 

15 - The form of She / He / They (person)

16 - Getting “Hai”  (place)

17 - Ekphrastic (thing)

18 - Prose or Poem? Or both? (idea - not to be confused with theme, something more abstract)

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