Image of a yellow notepad, black pen, keyboard, and candle warmer that looks like a typewriter


It seems odd to call something free-writing and then to designate rules; but, a general guide for free-writing might say: free-writing is the prewriting technique where one writes without a concern for whether or not said writing flows or for grammatical concerns.

(I can see some of you grammar witches and wizards grinding your teeth over that last bit). Speaking of grammar, what are your thoughts regarding period placement? In or outside the parentheses? Discuss - this is potentially your first free-writing challenge. 

As you are free-writing, should you then follow sentence and paragraph format? Are you allowed to stop? How long should you do this? 

When I’m truly feeling stuck or without ideas, I want to keep free-writing as simple as possible so I either say I’ll fill one page, or I set a timer for 5 minutes. 

If you aren’t feeling it with free-writing maybe you should consider one of the following:

6 - Start with a new blank page

17 - Other forms of artistic expression

25 - Head on over to look at some more detailed writing prompts

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